Originally Posted by JugglingReferee
In cases where the calling official is far form PBH, they are trained see the foul, then look for the ball and determine it's spot, all the while throwing the flag.
But the ball is moving while they're looking for it. (Hey, think how much better defense would be if the players could instantly find the ball!) I do, however, think PBH enforcement is more equitable than 3-and-1 in most cases, just more difficult. Penalties of any kind are never perfect remedies.
There was a long discussion here recently about UR far behind the ball by a team scoring a touchdown. Was the ball dead already? The farther the spot was behind the ball, the harder it was to tell
and the more consequential under USAn rules.
In rugby, there is a strong tendency of the referee to not hear insults hurled at him until the ball becomes dead, at which time he hears their distant echoes, even though unsporting conduct can theoretically be a live ball infraction.