Originally Posted by Umpteenth
I have to ask, because you have brought this up before - the fact that you play and you umpire. Are you asking from the perspective of officiating a game, or are you trying to get someone here to tell you what you can get away with?
If you are officiating, you should be able to make the judgment call as to whether or not a batter was impeded by the verbal or physical action of a defensive player. If you cannot make that judgment, perhaps you should not be officiating.
If you are asking from the perspective of a player, then be prepared to be called for Obstruction or USC at some point, when you have pushed too many buttons.
im asking from the perspective of a player who hates it when other teams yell during recreational games. I really dont mind it, if it ever happens, when i play on "high" level teams, usually bc it only happens between 2 friends joking around, but it annoys the heck out of me when someone does it to be a douche in a rec level league, especially when they do it to girls.
when i umpire ive always asked the players not to "do that anymore" and theyve always complied.