Improper server
Clarification please.
When an improper server is recognized. What is the proper procedure for handling this?
According to rulle 6 section 3 penalty 2, it states that
"For an improper server or illegal replacement found in the set, loss of rally shall be awarded as soon as the improper server server or illegal replacement is discovered and verified.
a. when an improper server is discover prior to contact of the first serve by the opposing team, all points earned by the improper server shall be cancelled.
My question is this. Do you also award the opposing team a point. The rule does not state this, only a loss of rally. I know that loss of rally means a point is awarded by definition. But is this an execption, because you are already penalizing the team by cancelling the points earned. Everywhere else in the rule book when a penalty is given it says "loss of rally/point" but it does not say point in this instance.
Of Course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. -- Dennis Miller