Originally Posted by iiicream
Would you, as an official, prefer to know if there is an evaluator in the stands?
Would you want to meet with him/her before, during half-time, or after the game?
Would you like verbal critiques or a hard copy of the evaluation or both?
Good luck with the new challenge!!
Of course we would like to know somebody is watching, but I don't think it's the best idea for us to know. Who's gonna half-a$$ when they know their being watched???
Working every game as if someone were watching is the best practice, IMHO. As you know, some of us like to put on an act when we know we're being evaluated.
For best results & to see the real deal... sneak in.
Half-time or after the game works for me. You can see the way officials change-up their game after meeting the evaluator at half-time. All of a sudden we
are running from T to L
Verbal is okay - anybody can say anything
Hard copy is great - for future reference