Originally Posted by M&M Guy
Camron, (ok, you can stop reading now, like you did on the last post. )
I didn't stop reading nor did I mean to imply my points were in response to your. I was just summarizing the most common objections made by all.
I never said I would "leak" information. If I found out information from a confidential source, I wouldn't spread it outside of appropriate channels. If I knew about from public records (e.g., the newpaper), I would have no problem telling others. That is the difference. If it IS private, I respect that. But much of what has been said to be private is not.
As for the police...they're not allowed to use the police systems to conduct such checks but they're not forbidden from searching in the same ways available to the public.
The percentage of convictions is entirely irrelevant...unless it is 0.
True enough about 1st time offenders...but it will prevent 2nd time offenders from coming from the officiating ranks. Or, are you saying that since you can't stop them all, you shouldn't try to stop any?