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Old Sun Dec 08, 2002, 08:49am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
"Do the guys that aren't on the circle have to hold a spot on the jump?"

Chuck obviously you know the correct ruling or you wouldn't have even brought it up at the game. This also came up in our rookie training meeting out here. We have some excellent people who are really studying the rules and trying hard, but have some confusion. Therefore, I take the attitude that I want to help these people not criticize them.
So I will tell you that I showed him 6-4-2 and 6-4-5 to convince him what restrictions there are for a non-jumper. He especially connected with the idea that 6-4-5b says "occupied space" therefore any UNoccupied space is fair game. Although, I told him that "occupied space" was a technical term for the imaginary spots around the center restraining cirlce detailed in 1-3-1, and not just general open space on the court, it still made it clear in his head that these players could move around.
I suggest this approach when you attempt to convince your fellow official.
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