I agree with other posters in that you should stay away from recommending suspensions. Penalize the actions, follow whatever documentation process the league has in place and let them make the decision.
Stay away from parents. They are biased observers. In this field half love our call and the other half hates it.... biased parties have difficulty seeing the reality... whether we got the play right. Nothing good can happen from the interaction.
If the team had 2 #11s, by rule it is a technical foul. Unless the rules specifically state to the contrary or provide an exception for this, call the T.... the coach who has been a pain is down 20, so no harm done. By not adjudicating the rules, you have opened yourself to objectivity and consistency claims... ie only enforcing the rules we choose to tonight.... we need to remember that our job is to "ensure the fairness of the contest" by enforcing the 'rules.'