Originally Posted by Skahtboi
John....here is another take on this.
Would you expect to pay your tuition and go to college and, upon graduation, have the college (or university) tell you that now that you have completed your studies, you can only use the information you obtained from them working for this one company for the rest of your life? Of course not. Upon graduation you are free to seek employment with whoever you choose.
Actually, there are programs like this around the country, but that would be the exception.
I have never attended an ASA clinic where I did not have to pay a fee. The fee entitles me to the information to use however I see fit.
I have never given a clinic (locally) where the umpire was asked to pay. And just out of curiosity, what would you consider the fair market value of such information? Would a discounted rate demand some level of reciprocity on the umpire's behalf?
What if the umpire's association mandates attendence to a particular clinic? Whom would be financially responsible for such a clinic? If paid for by the association, would the umpire still be free to take this information elsewhere for their personal benefit?
We could go on with this forever.