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Old Wed Aug 26, 2009, 09:49am
Tim C Tim C is offline
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"We use the MLB method of pointing with the left hand and verbalizing."
And that is what we have taught in Portland for the last 15 years.

"1. CERTAIN the ball was one hopped. - Do you "chime in" and say No catch? or remain silent?

"2. You are UNCERTAIN if the ball was one hopped or not BUT your PARTNER says nothing. Do you say "No catch" figuring if it was a catch your partner would have said so."
Pete, I have always taken the position that my partner has seen WHAT WAS HAPPENING.

With me being 70 feet away what makes my view "correct" -- perhaps, even if I am certain, I am the one that is WRONG.

I am from the "old school" that believes umpires call only what they see . . . I also recognize that "fixin' things" afterwards always causes a sh!thouse -- but that is part of umpiring.

What is important is not what happens when you error -- what matters is what you do AFTER you made that error.
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