Originally Posted by mutantducky
just the order on how to do after a T.
A1 fouled, two fts. A gets a T before the fts.
2. Same but A1 gets a T after the 1st ft.
3. b1 gets intentionally fouled. B Coach gets a T. And where would be ball be in bounded after that one.
In all cases, assuming NFHS rules, the penalties are administered in the order the fouls were committed.
1. A1 shoots 2 with lane cleared, provided the T does not disqualify him/her. Any B team member shoots 2 with lane cleared. B inbounds at the division line opposite the table.
2. A1 shoots 1 with lane cleared, provided the T does not disqualify him/her. Any B team member shoots 2 with lane cleared. B inbounds at the division line opposite the table.
3. B1 shoots 2 with lane cleared. Any A team member shoots 2 with lane cleared. A is given the throw-in at the division line opposite the table because that is part of the penalty for the last foul that occurred.