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Old Sun Aug 23, 2009, 03:33pm
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by referee99 View Post
... my question is, in USSSA that one base is back to the base that he would have needed to touch. Right?

I know that:
R1 at 1B, batter hits line drive to F1 who snags it, throws quickly to F3 to double runner off 1B. F1 throws ball over F3 and out of play. R1 had not retouched 1B when the throw was released. Runner is awarded 2 bases, but one of them is the retouch of 1B and they end up at 2B.
So in OP, runner just back to base that they needed to touch?
In the OP, your answer would be no, because it doesn't matter what their movement was. Runner would be awarded 2B. Of course, he would still need to tag up, otherwise could be out on appeal.

In the posting above (highlighted in blue), the award should be 3B. A retouch of the base is not considered one of the awarded bases. It's where the runner was at the time of the hit. I've had this highlighted situation so many times I practically have it memorized and I've had so many players b***h a storm over it in league play. Again, the runner would still need to tag up, or be called out on appeal.
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