Thu Aug 20, 2009, 10:26am
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Sierra Nevada Mtns
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
It isn't impossible if he lined up someone at an NCAA Coordinator level to promise him 24 umpires with those credentials. He wouldn't know who, or where they are from, but I could name several people in his area that could make that promise. Could probably do it with the Fireworks umpire roster, as a matter of fact. But WN, DC-N, or SE in SoCal could do it, in addition to JV or DN (sorry for the initials, but these people may not want their name associated with this effort; I'm only saying they are well enough placed to make that type of umpire roster happen). There are probably others that I don't know (I'm assuming that the ASA staff would be conflicted out, but add DM, RA, MB, DB, and others).
Thats kind of what i was thinking, he lined up an assigner who made some promises. I'm dont care about the officials part of this. If I wasnt working nats I might even be willing to work it. Be a lot of good ball there!