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Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 12:46pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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I have not thrown a ball back to F1 since August 8, 1981.

I was told by two MLB catchers that they (and all other catchers they knew) want to throw the ball back.

Both catchers noted that in the "olden days" umpires were supposed to 'prove' they were athletic enough to be on the field.

Since the early 1980s umpires are not required by MLB to throw the ball back (as an aside at umpire school in the 1970s not only were umpires required to throw the ball back to the pitcher they were also required to throw the ball right handed ONLY).

"Could you provide the name of the pitcher or umpire or team, approximate date and jurisdiction, please.

"An exhaustive search for "umpire liability" lawsuits conducted last year did not reveal this one."
This obviously wasn't an NFHS game as they have no record of anything like this.

I too would like a little more information since I have three articles due for High School Today that deal with official/participant safety.