I'm in agreement with most here. I can throw back and will when F2 is busy.
However I don't do it all the time, by choice, because
a) a colleague broke the nose of an F1; was sued for $2m, insurance settled for 800 large. Maybe I am covered, but that is at the minimum a hassle I want to avoid (experienced PU to DII pitcher, yup it happens).
b) coaches yell at F2 when he throws a bad one; on occasion I have thrown a bad one, they yell at me too. Don't want to give them that chance.
On the other hand another PU colleague who had pitched in MiLB threw them back at (adult) pitchers who complained about balls & strikes. Threw it hard at their feet to make 'em dance!
Last edited by GerryB; Tue Aug 18, 2009 at 11:47am.
Reason: More info...