Originally Posted by SethPDX
The league hosting the Regional is responsible for supplying shirts and hats to the umpires, so you get whatever color and brand the tournament director/UIC decided on.
This is usually true at the local and state level, but for regionals, there is usually an "umpiring coordinator" that sits on the regional umpiring staff that orders regional shirts for the pre-selected umpires. Each umpire is contacted for their shirt and hit size, and uniform number (for regions that use them) It is up to the umpire to select the correct size. As far as uniform color, this is totally up to the regions. Most regions usually run there regional softball tournament one week prior to the little league tournament, so what happens is the umpire shirts for both tournaments are ordered together and a lot of times they end up being all softball colors. Here in the southern region there are some pretty good umpires that sit on staff. Most do high school and college ball so they usually do a good job at keeping the softball colors away from the southern regional tournaments.