Originally Posted by Dutch Alex
Well thank you, Wade. You forget that the softball-world is bigger than just the all-mighty-US of A!
Thousands softball-playing girls, outside the USA, have their dreams: Playing ball at the Olympics. Their dream, not the gold, just to play with and against the best at the largest tournament men has ever known. That dream has been struck.
It isn't the U.S., but California folks who believe the softball world revolves around them.
Don't waste your time. I've been telling people for years that there is a lot of softball in Europe and Asia and they act as if it cannot possibly be. Americans are pretty arrogant and ignorant, at times.

If they don't see it on TV or their computer, it does't exist.
Many are still living like an adolescent where parents didn't know crap, but your 12 year old buddy from down the street knew it all 'cause he was cool!

Don't believe me? Just watch our political system at work