Sorry for the miscommunication. Wife tells me I always do it. So does the speller.
I was trying to point out the importance of game management for all umpires. There are many aspects to it (when, what to do say, what type of coach or player you have, etc) and one that is certainly more difficult for some to do. When you see someone do it and how it keeps the game flowing and people focused on playing the game, you gain an appreciation and understanding of its "magic".
I think many have seen some umpires do nothing and how it detracts from the game and/or lets in usc, abusive language, what have you. That is no fun for the other players, any fans or the ump. But it falls on the ump almost always to rein it in.
Two strategies or techniques that I learned this year and have used:
riot voice
voice of reason
They actually both got used today.