Thread: 2020, anyone?
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Old Sun Aug 16, 2009, 03:29pm
tcannizzo tcannizzo is offline
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NCAA puts a maximum of 20 mandatory hours per week. Coaches and AD's know how to play the game. This is where it breaks down. You get a scholarship, and only put in the mandatory, and you are GONE!

This is not news. The NCAA knows EXACTLY what is going on, and puts on the game face, which is where the farce of denial begins.

I am not going to take the bait as to the definition of "cheating" there are several threads on this board and others that never end. They are not in violation because the other 60 hours per week are published as "non-mandatory".

We don't need the DOJ to close down the program, but an honest and simple investigation by the ASA should be very revealing.

Last edited by tcannizzo; Sun Aug 16, 2009 at 03:38pm.
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