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Old Fri Aug 14, 2009, 09:06am
ajmc ajmc is offline
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Originally Posted by Welpe View Post
KWH, I think it's a waste of time to try and reason with the Alf. No "interpretation" (the English language to the rest of us), will be good enough..
The problem, Welpe, is you haven't tried, or been able to, "reason" anything. It's not that "no interpretation will be good enood enough", as much as it's been no rational explanation of your interpretation has been offered. Not a single effort has been made, by any of the proponents of this ridiculous interpretation, to justify it's purpose or application to the game of football.

I can't state, for sure, when the current verbiage of 2-29-1 was written, but I suspect it was decades before this dopey interpretation surfaced several years ago, out of the blue. I don't recall this nonsense ever being discussed or even considered before this unique "interpretation" suddenly appeared.

The problem is not with the rule, it's with the way you choose to interpret it, and what you choose to read into it. This is a rule that applies to a game it's not intended to be a language test or great mystery and it makes absolutely no sense, or suits any purpose that applies to the game of football.

You do what you want to do, but until someone can attach some sense of purpose, logic, common sense or some rational relation to the game of football, I'm not buying your interpretation of what this rule, as it's currently written, means.

ref1986: Perhaps you could reference where in the rules it states, "But as soon as he left his feet, by rule he was no longer out of bounds." [/I][/B]. In the meantime, you shouldn't worry about being bogged down to conduct clinics anywhere.