Thread: On Deck Batter
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Old Thu Aug 13, 2009, 08:06am
rwest rwest is offline
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Not true

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
At no point does ASA state, note or insinuate that the ODB is a game participant.

The definition of a blocked ball refers to a person "not engaged in the game".

You can attempt ot justify the ODB's existence on the field, but you have absolutely nothing to support your "interpretation".
No where in the rulebook does ASA define who is engaged in the game. It is your interpretation that the ODB is not involved in the game. You have absolutely nothing to support your interpretation. I happen to agree with you to a point, however, that's because we interpret it similarly, up to a point that is.

We all read the rule book and will come away with a different interpretation at times. This is because the rule book is sometimes less than 100% clear. I'm not faulting ASA. They do a good job, but they aren't perfect. No one is. Any document dealing with rules (i.e the Constitution, the Bible, ASA rule book) is opened to interpretation. Many things are crystal clear. Whether the ODB is invovled in the game is not one of them.

If there is some rule in the rule book that clearly says the ODB is not in the game, then I'll change by opinion. Until then, my interpretation has as much support as yours. Also, I'll take a written interpretation from the NUS. It doesn't just have to come from the book. As long as it is official.
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