Originally Posted by With_Two_Flakes
Thanks for that Robert. Hadn't even considered the human pyramid situation. We've only had football over here in the UK for 25 years, so that has never been an issue.
If BAFRA's been using NCAA rules for that long, then you might've started when they outlawed only standing on teammates' shoulders and said that other forms of pyramid formation were still legal. It was strange to have a passage in the rules that said something was legal (rather than just an exception to something illegal), but that extraordinary language was in there at least as late as 1983.
Anyway, the human pyramid to block kicks used to be a common tactic in American and Canadian football. I think the original reason for outlawing it might've been safety, considering what happens when the pyramid falls, there being no prohibition on knocking out its props. So now they leave that to the cheerleaders on the hard surface off the field. But I think the competitive cheerleading rulesmakers now limit human pyramids to 3 levels.
On the
other other hand, lifting in the lineout used to be illegal in rugby, and now you can hurl players into the air to play the ball.