When you hook in, the ball ain't yours no more. You should not have called time, you can echo you're partner's call.
If he wants help on HIS call, then he comes to you. He breaks the pow wow and signals what he wants.
Lastly, this is why you should go out on trouble balls. A trouble ball had a close call, and an umpire is 300 feet away making it. Anytime the ball could go into DPT on a bounce, go out. Anytime the ball is headed to an opening, go out. Any time 2 fielders converge, go out. Anytime a player might need to make a dive, go out. Anytime its down the line, go out. Anytime the ball rolls to the fence on a crappy field, go out.
Anytime you read the slightest bit of trouble, GO OUT!