Thread: Nfhs 8-2-4
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Old Tue Aug 04, 2009, 10:02am
Ed Hickland Ed Hickland is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike L View Post
I don't understand. Are you trying to use a comment entitled "options for teams that score but were fouled" as a "spirit and intent of the rule" to change enforcement options for a team that scored and fouled?

The only thing I would need from my interpreter is some confirmation they want us to ignore
"committed" and change it to "committed during or enforced after the score" so that B will get an option of A USC's during the score.
Usually the Comments give you the spirit and intent and the rule itself states it. It appears the Comments address all situations during a touchdown-scoring play but the rule appears to ignore a foul by A during a touchdown-scoring play that calls for enforcement from the succeeding spot. In other words I think the rule was not written correctly and it needs to be confirmed either way.

My job is to enforce the rules as written but having a thorough understanding helps me better perform that duty.

Consider the rule as written does not allow B to have a choice of enforcement spots regardless of what Redding says. I do believe it was an oversight when 8-2-4 was written but that is what I will enforce until NFHS says otherwise.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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