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As to the uniform colors, I can only guess that the basketball practice of wearing light colored jerseys at home and dark colors on the road is derived from baseball, which started the practice back in the 1880's. The rationale for baseball was that when you're on the road, you have less access to good laundry factilities (or at least you did back in the 1880's). Therefore, you wore dark uniforms in case the uniforms couldn't be laundered between games; since last night's dirt was less visible on a grey uniform than it would be on a white uniform.
Football, on the other hand, never had that problem b/c they never played on back-to-back days. You almost always had plenty of time to get the uniforms cleaned up. So maybe they felt that they just didn't need to wear dark colors on the road.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!