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Old Mon Jul 27, 2009, 06:12pm
cc6 cc6 is offline
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Posts: 222
I am very disappointed with most of the replies to this thread. The replies themselves are classless- I am not making any moral judgments about the people who posted them. It was a legit question as Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. pointed out.

I asked because I am making adjustments to my stance, including changing distance from the catcher. I have been told that I should be far back enough that I shouldn't have to move when the catcher throws. I was planning on keeping it that way, and moving in a bit, but a in this thread a couple people mentioned getting out of the way when the catcher throws. It is hard to know whether it is sarcasm or not. I see sarcasm as a very dangerous form of trolling, because it can be misinterpreted as real advice.

Mark, ozzy has been attacking me for years now, without any sort of provocation. I have observed that people who put someone down often do so because they are unhappy, and their behaviour tends to repeat itself with other people.
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