Mon Jul 27, 2009, 12:49pm
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Location: Bloomington, IL
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Originally Posted by ajmc
You are having enough difficuly, KWH, with the words coming out of your mind, to try and put words in mine. As I suggested, IF YOU BUY INTO YOUR INTERPRETATION, that ridiculous sample play could actually appear to be legal. If however, you consider logic, common sense and a familiarity with the basic intent of the game of football, you may likely come to a completely opposite conclusion.
Reading and understanding Rule 2 is very important to comprehending the rules of the game and effectively enforcing them, as is being cautious not to add a lot of unwritten, superflous assumptions, that contradict the foundational basics of the game, such as that a player who has clearly established himself OOB, continues to be OOB as long as he remains OOB.
I don't know what a superflous interpretation is.
Al, you continue to put forth an appeal to ridicule argument. Basically you are saying that your position is right because the other position is stupid (superfluous, contradict foundational basics, illogical, etc).
Last edited by mikesears; Mon Jul 27, 2009 at 02:03pm.