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Old Sun Jul 26, 2009, 07:13am
TXMike TXMike is offline
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How is this a trick formation? The defense can easily see who the eligibles are and can do whatever it is they need to do to deal with them. Does anyone truly think defenders and coaches are looking to see who the 5 ineligibles are?????? They only care about who IS eligible.

This formation is a legal SKF under the new rules and that will hopefully soon be made clear to everyone.

What could be an issue (although could be rendered moot with a further tweak next year) is the situation where Team A is in a SK situation and shifts players after the snapper is on the ball. In the diagram Tom posted, assume the snapper (#56) gets on the ball. Team A realizes they are short and send #45 into the game, lining up as the right end. As he is doing that #80 shifts such that he is now on the end of the left side of the line. The team sets for a second and ball is snapped. Many (including Rom Gilbert) say there is a foul now as 80 needed to stay covered up as he became a numbering exception once the snapper got on the ball. I disagree but I am wrong, by rule.
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