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Old Sat Jul 25, 2009, 05:50pm
johnnyg08 johnnyg08 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Minnesota
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The game needs these guys too.

I got into a discussion with a guy on a different forum about how much it costs to start umpring and do it the right way with average or slightly above average equipment with can have total costs around $600 (including state registration and association dues, etc)

Here's the reponse I received:

That might be one of the most ludicrous posts I've ever heard.. "shoe polish kit" "$200 mask" "umpire base shoes" "plate shoes" "$25 belt"

If you are serious about umping let me give you some pointers...

-you can go buy the pants at a thrift shop. it will maybe cost you $5 max!
-You just need black tennis shoes, no need to get fancy on the bases.
-I have never gotten hit in the foot, so for me the plate shoes are very overrated. I don't use them.
-You DEFINITELY don't need a $200 chest protector, any cheap one will do because you rarely get hit in the chest. You will find that you ALWAYS get hit in places where you don't have protection such as the arms, hands, and thighs. SO don't splurge on a chest protector.
-I personally think umps with the hockey helmet look stupid, plus i believe that umps should be removing the mask to make calls and how do you do that with a hockey mask. In other words just use any mask. NO need to splurge. Playitagain sports will sell you one for $10-20 bucks.
-you don't need separate rule book, if you don't know the rules already, you shouldn't be umping because you aren't going to be pulling it out during the games.
-Shins, the cheaper the better because you don't want heavy shins and generally the cheaper ones are lighter. Once again, hit up play it again sports for lightweight cheap shins.. Again, you rarely get hit in the shins. Most of the time I don't even wear my shins when I ump because its uncomfortable.
-No need for shoe polish because this is amateur ball. NOT THE PROS.

Needless to say you may not agree with me on all accounts, but I can assure you I ump Amateur games and you probably couldn't tell who I was based on equipment compared with any other ump
It's like Deja Vu all over again