Thread: TO situation
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Old Wed Dec 04, 2002, 06:41am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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I must agree 100% with Ronald on this one. You should have charged that coach with a time-out. Look at it this way. Is he trying to get an advantage by telling you this? I say yes. He certainly got an advantage from the way you ruled on the play since his guard was stuck. At the very least you negated a good defensive play and that wasn't fair either. But even if this result was not what he intended, this coach is trying to get you to look for something before it will happen. If you do this, he has done his job as an advocate for his team and has gotten a slight advantage.
I believe that a time-out request should be reacted to by the officials just like any other play in the game. You wouldn't look for a push or a travel just because a coach told you to do so. You might humor him, but then you would officiate the play fairly, just like you always do.
He should have to get your attention when he wants the TO not before. Any previous consideration you give him truly is advantageous.
Lastly, I know that this was college where the clock stops on the made basket in the last minute anyway, but this pre-telling of a TO would be an even greater advantage in a HS game as he could save some precious seconds on the clock!
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