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Old Thu Jul 23, 2009, 02:07pm
ajmc ajmc is offline
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Originally Posted by KWH View Post
We all clearly understand your point, and I am beyond certain however you will repeat it 7 more times! However, the play in the OP and the play in the Redding Study Guide were discussed at the NFHS Rules Interpreters Meeting in Indy on July 14th. These plays are legal as the player involved was not, by definition, out of bounds!
If you need further clarification, you should contact your association and/or state rules interpreter.

Nuff said!
I'm glad you finally acknowledge you comprehend, "my point", although I'm not so sure you actually do. Had you just ONCE offered some semblance of logic as to why your position makes any basic common sense, whatsoever, or tried to explain some rationale to support your position, I may have been more persuaded to consider your position as being serious. Considering you inability, or refusal, to do so I 'm still unable to accept your premise.

I was merely trying to be polite in answering, what seemed like foolish and naive questions, you insisted on asking repeatedly providing you with the benefit of the doubt as to the seriousness of your position. That was before I concluded you were more interested in spouting off, than contributing anything of value to the issue.

Thankfully, living in this great land of ours we are each free to follow what we believe to be correct, including unsanctioned interpretations and opinions whether they be supported by common sense and logic or because someone else told us to, despite lacking any common sense or logic. As long as we accept all consequences for our choices, those choices are entirely ours to make.

Last edited by ajmc; Thu Jul 23, 2009 at 02:09pm.