don't mean to dredge anything up, but I was reading older threads.
PLAY: A22 is running a sweep. He fumbles forward, the ball bounces in bounds, crosses the sideine in the air. B55 (who'd started legally on defense but is now standing OOB) bats the ball backwards to teammate B50. Dead ball. Team A gets it at the spot of the fumble.
But if B55 has the presence of mind to JUMP just before he bats it, it's Team B's ball then? (If so, I"ll have to file this one away, b/c I'm sure that before this thread I'd have ruled that the ball was touched OOB and therefore dead.)
Follow up question: even though he's in the air beyond the sideline, is B55 still governed by the same rule about batting a loose ball? That is, if he he bats it forward, is it a penalty? [ncaa rules]