Originally Posted by wolraht
The umpire had not called the play dead in any way as after the out on the runner going to 3rd the ball was thrown to 2B for the double play, despite the runners stalling to prevent that. Runner didn't try to knock the ball out, as it was already in the throwing hand of the player (not that he would have tried anyway. we all remember A. Rod trying that a year or two ago in a playoff game.  )
Then as much as I hate saying it, it sounds like the umpire booted the call. I just wanted to be absolutely sure before making that statement (despite the fact that it was my initial reaction).
Originally Posted by wolraht
I know, you're right. you guys never want to engage in a lively debate! 
Of course not! We've got another game after this one!
Originally Posted by wolraht
I understand all that man. Just want you to know that I am totally not screwing with you and don't want to argue stuff at all.
I hear ya there. Tell you what... If you want to get some insight into an umpire's world, check out
this book. Granted, it's baseball, but the cultures are very similar. Even if you aren't interested in the "insight," it's still an amazing read.
Originally Posted by wolraht
I hate arguing. I always lose.... maybe I should argue with someone other than my wife? 
Can't help ya there!