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Old Fri Jul 17, 2009, 11:09pm
umpjim umpjim is offline
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Thanks for clearing that "wheel" up Bobby. I need to take my own advice and do some more reading. JEA comes to mind. Once you act that move out you see what they mean. Basically, even though there was a step to 3B and the pivot foot may have left the rubber, the pivot foot doesn't land before the pitcher wheels and throws to 1B. Correct me if I'm wrong. I was told in an Evans clinic that a step to a base with the pivot foot coming off the rubber is a legal disengage. Thus, the pitcher could now run at the runner for example. But I think there is more to it in this sit. I think the pivot foot has to land off the rubber first to have the disengage. Thus the "wheel" is a no direct step to 1B balk.
I haven't seen this yet but now I'm ready for it.

CB, I don't think the pitcher has to step to 1B if he landed his pivot foot off the rubber in the step to 3B. He has now legally disengaged. That's why he can feint at that point. I can't imagine the move without a step but I don't think it is a balk unless it fits the "wheel' move.

CB, OBR no longer cares where your feet are in the windup or set except for sure the free foot in the set has to be in front of the line that defines the front of the rubber. But the pitcher could have exactly the same foot position for his windup. Again, I reference J P Howell and his "windup from the stretch" in last years World Series.

Last edited by umpjim; Fri Jul 17, 2009 at 11:11pm.
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