Originally Posted by bobbybanaduck
the pitcher does not have to break contact with the rubber with his right foot, provided he at some point throws the ball somewhere. if he doesn't throw anywhere, then he has to completely disengage at some point or it would be a balk.
Not true in OBR. A step to third followed by a step to first, all with the pivot foot staying on the rubber is a balk in OBR. It's legal under FED.
lemme shed a little JEA knowledge of "in practically the same motion." this has EVERYTHING to do with the pitcher's LEFT foot. if he steps toward third (as stated above no arm motion is required) and then spins on his left foot and throws to 1B, then that is considered all in the same motion and is a balk. if his left foot gains distance and direction to 3B, lands, then comes up off the ground again while he is turning to make the throw to 1B, then it's no longer considered in the same motion, and is not a balk.
That's my understanding. It's the same (excpet "more egregious") as stepping to theplate and throwing to first.