Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
If the ODB leaves the circle to instruct runners to slide or not, and leaves 2 bats in the ODC and a ball hits a bat, does that automatically become a blocked ball?
Yes (ASA 8-5-G-3)
Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
If the throw should hit one of those bats [the ODB's bats, not the BR's bat] and then goes out of play, would the award be two bases from the time of the throw?
It's the same rule (ASA 8-5-G-3). Once it hits the bats, the ball is dead. Where it goes after that makes no difference, with the exception of if it interferes with the defense's ability to get an out.
Read the rule very carefully. It seems like a simple rule, but the wording is very critical.