Originally Posted by greymule
"Just to be clear in terms of rule nuance, this technically falls under a batter runner being put out prior to reaching 1B, it has nothing to do with a force in this particular instance."
Though the ASA rule book seems to recognize the distinction, a couple of ASA's case plays do call the out at 1B a force out. Whether this is intentional or just sloppy writing, I don't know. From the 2007 case book 2.3-4: "B1 is out. On any force out attempt from the foul side of 1B, F3 and B1 can use either [the] white or [the] colored portion." From 8.6-1: "Because [B6 was out] before B6 touched 1B, it results in a force out. Since the third out is a result of a force out, no run can score on this play."
I specifically remember, but have not been able to find, an ASA case play/test question/rule clarification on the following example: B1 hits a short fly to F10, touches 1B, and seeing F10 about to make an easy catch, turns around and retreats back down the 1B line to pick up his bat. However, F10 drops the ball and B1's teammates yell for him to run. F10's throw to F3 at 1B beats B1. ASA's ruling was that because B1 had retreated toward the base he had "occupied" (home), he is out for reinstating the "force."
I wish I could find that one. I believe it was a rule clarification posted on the ASA site at some point in the past few years, but the site goes back through 2007, and I don't see it. I remember it distinctly, however, because OBR's ruling on the same play is that because the out on the BR at 1B is not a force, the runner must be tagged to be put out.