The magic three-word defuser
Actually, I got this one from a restaurateur friend in dealing with complaining help or customers.
I have used it several times, with a great success ratio.
It is especially useful when the combatant goes on a tirade, trying to establish his veracity as opposed to insulting you. It's tailor-made for sitches where you don't want to run anyone, you just want the rat to shut his pie-hole and return to bench or position.
"I know the book rule [you can really follow this with anything]: The runner gets the base he's going to plus one."
"That's a foul tip. It can't be strike three."
"You've been calling that pitch a ball the whole game."
"My guy's standing on the base. He can't be called out!"
"You can't bunt with two strikes."
and so on, ad nauseam.
Just wait a beat, maybe scratch your chin, and say, very calmly and lazily:
"Is that right?"
Try it; you'll like it.
There is no such thing as idiot-proof, only idiot-resistant.