Originally Posted by jdmara
The key to the platinum is tightening the straps, as JR12 said. I'm more tiny than both of you by a long shot (5'7", 132 lbs) and after awhile of adjusting, It stays put now. I was afraid by tightening the straps it would become uncomfortable but it actually, for me anyways, become MORE comfortable. I can't speak about the gold as I have never wore it. Good luck in your search.
Went through the same "feeling out" process with the gold chest protector.
Concur that tightening the straps is more comfortable, safe and secure.
Can't speak for anyone else but willing to say I speak for the majority.
Info for new umpires: the opposite is true for the traditional
To feel more comfortable, safe and secure, loosen those harness straps on the mask!