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Old Fri Jul 10, 2009, 05:26pm
BuggBob BuggBob is offline
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp View Post
The only part of this that I disagree with is when the veteran announced the call and not the umpire whose call it was. I would have had the conversation go like this:

"Yes the ball got there and the third base player tagged her on the shoulder with the ball."

"Okay then that is what you saw that is what we're going to call... Now I'll step away, and when I do, you face the base, stand up tall and give a good, crisp signal with a solid 'Out!' Ready?"
Thanks Dave You are right, I should have had her make the call explanation. But at the time I though be me making that explanation would deflect the coaches anger from her (it did).

I think she needs more time on the field, unfortunately our jr season is only two week long (nine days in a row with one for rainouts) and she has band camp so she is done for the season. Our next opportunity is the JR NFHS Season when school starts next month. But they will only pay for one umpire, So know I need to convince her to work for free a few dates for more training.
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