Originally posted by GarthB
Thom Coste wrote: "First of all, you have a thrown ball, not a batted ball..."
However, just to give you another thing to consider, don't you really have a "pitched" ball, not a "thrown" ball?
Is the ball still a pitch at the time of the kick?
We had a great debate on UT about his sometime ago, but what do you think?
Garth Benham
Contact, eUmpire
My first reaction was just that - still a pitched ball and a one base award. But since I don't know NCAA rules real well, I looked up the rulings in Carl's BRD and Jim Evans' annotated rules. They both lead me to believe that, because the ball was kicked by the BR it becomes a two-base award, as opposed to the one-base award if the pitched ball had caromed off the catcher's shin guard directly out of play.
The ruling would be based on initial force or new impetus in Federation play.