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Old Tue Jul 07, 2009, 06:02pm
Tru_in_Blu Tru_in_Blu is offline
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem View Post
Mens FP is dying and I hope the orgs do as much as possible to keep it alive, because IMO, its the best of the sport.

Its hard to get umps to work it because it pays the same as JO Ball, the BS, and the games are longer. I still do it though; I like to support my sport. That tourney it cost me money because I could have made more working JO Ball.
I'll agree the mens FP is dwindling. I started playing in the service and spent a couple of years on my base team in addition to intramural squadron play. I dabbled in pitching and got adept enough to pitch at the intramural level but played OF on the base team.

When I got out in '73, there were a couple of FP leagues in my area, one that was superior to the other. After a few years, they ended up merging, and today, there is none. I haven't seen a men's FP game in about 20 years, although I'll admit I really didn't take the time to actively seek one out.

In my area now, we work a few Sunday modified-pitch leagues, a company intramural modified-pitch league and no mens FP.

I think part of the issue is finding guys that actually can pitch. As you all know, if you don't have the pitching, your team isn't going too far, either in a league or tournament play.

I know ASA was doing something a few years ago to try and develop men's pitching skills. I was basically self taught with some pointers from some of my base team teammates. Wish I could have had a coach and some of the training aids and videos that are available these days. Still, I obviously wasn't "going pro" playing softball.
USA & NFHS Softball

Last edited by Tru_in_Blu; Tue Jul 07, 2009 at 06:06pm.
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