Tue Jul 07, 2009, 03:21pm
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Sierra Nevada Mtns
Posts: 3,220
Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
I wish they'd eliminate the leap from the women's game. Both NFHS and ASA. I see no reason to restrict leaping because of the sex of a player.
Many years ago in a company modified pitch league I played in, we had a couple of female pitchers. They pitched from the 46' distance. I don't recall that leaping was of particular concern back then, although the crow hop was a known violation. I'd guess if the women were pitching from 46', they'd be allowed to leap [w/ the toe pointed down, of course - but that's another discussion].
I think it would be best if that started at NCAA and went down. IMO, ASA is prep ball for NCAA and should confirm closely to their rules in that regard.