Originally Posted by fiasco
Which is why I asked. If IRISHMAFIA was in the room, I'd love for him to pass along my name and number to ASA to offer my copy editing skills for the next edition of the ASA manual.
As much as I enjoy picking on Mike for his age, he's probably not old enough to have been in the room, but... I'll just let you wonder.
Originally Posted by fiasco
If I feel there is "justification," yes. It's also not clear from the rule what that justification would be.
Then if you aren't clear on the justification, how can you eject the player?
Look, read the definition of OBS:
OBSTRUCTION: The act of a defensive team member:
A. Who hinders or impedes a batter from striking at or hitting a pitched ball.
B. Who impedes the progress of a runner or batter-runner who is legally running the bases unless the fielder is:
1. in possession of the ball.
2. in the act of fielding a batted ball.
Read #1 in that list. They have the ball. It's not OBS.