Appeal of a 3rd out - does run score?
(1) Bases loaded w/2 outs, B/R hit a home run and misses 1st base...defense appeals the missed base Results: No runs score since B/R forces other runners and the 3rd out is now a 'force' so no runs can score
(2) 1st and 3rd, w/2 outs, B/R hits a home run and R1 misses 2nd...defense appeals the missed base Results: No runs score since R1 is 'forced' @ 2nd by B/R?
(3) Bases loaded w/2 outs and B/R hits a home run and R2 misses 3rd Results: 1 run scores - only R3 from 3rd.
Comments are welcome and rule #'s.......
I see the rules supplement only states that if the 3rd out is a 'force out' - no runs score.....however, if the B/R is put out PRIOR to 1st base, then the force is removed....