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Old Fri Jul 03, 2009, 07:48pm
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Adam Adam is offline
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Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle View Post
So you don't consider the coaches' perspective in any way at any time? Not even a little? Aren't you at least sometimes forced to deal with a coach's perspective on your consistency during a game? To address his concerns in some way, even if they are not valid, or risk the whole situation deteriorating? And doesn't that require at least trying to understand why he thinks you're not being consistent, in other words trying to see things from his perspective, if only briefly?
Sorry, I'm a bit snippy today. Allow me to rephrase. I'll address it with a coach if he perceives something. However, all he usually gets is an "I'll watch for it, coach." I'll quickly evaluate if I've missed something (always possible) and move on. Normally, however, it's not really about me.
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