Thu Jul 02, 2009, 12:42pm
Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
I had one issue w/ the Miken "FREAK". Apparently, there is more than 1 Freak bat. The one on the list has the Bat Name of "MSF Freak".
During a league game we questioned one of the Freak bats. As I recall, it might have had lettering that was a bit different and the bat was labeled as F-R-E-A-K, [with the dashes in between the letters].
Other bats have what appear to be manufacturing or part numbers, example is the Louisville Slugger SB404. Is the SB404 embedded on the bat anywhere? The picture of this bat indicates that it's a Louisville Slugger TPS.
Another is the Worth WWSC Wicked Comp. (SP Only). Does this mean there are 2 different bats, one for SP and one for FP, or does it mean that this one bat is not approved for SP use but is OK for FP use?
Thanx for any help.
MSF Freak is listed on the Miken website as Freak Plus, so if you see the Plus under Freak, that would be the MSF Freak bat.
I don't ever recall seeing Miken printing a Freak like this. I would be very very suspicious if it isn't an altered bat. Plus, my research of the internet turns up no picture of such a Freak bat.
From what I gathered, the SB404 is NOT printed on the bat, but the bat is also known as the Response XXL, which you will see printed on the bat. And yes, it is a TPS series bat.
Yes, Worth does make more than this model of the Wicked. This is the composite model of Wicked designed for slow-pitch. They have another aluminum alloy Wicked for slow-pitch (Though from what I've seen, it's not available till 2010). They also have Wicked in aluminum for fast-pitch.
You're welcome. Now, I'm open to discussion of my research fee. Just kidding, have a great day!