Sounds like a quick pitch to me. 8.05e for OBR, 6-1-1 for FED.
1. As a coach, instruct batters to place one foot on the far edge of the batter's box (away from the plate) and the other foot out of the box to get a sign. After a sign is given move quickly into position and hope PU is doing his job.
2. The umpire "somewhat tried to slow him down, but gave up"? PU is not doing his job. He should allow batter to become reasonably set before allowing pitcher to pitch. Hold palm up to pitcher (no pitch sign) until batter is set and then point to pitcher. If he throws before getting permission call a ball for the quick pitch. If he does it again call it again. By now the HC will be coming out to either you or him and if to you you can explain to him that his pitcher is not going to be there very long if he don't stop quick pitching.