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Old Fri Nov 29, 2002, 12:45pm
Theisey Theisey is offline
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Originally posted by JimNayzium
if R muffs trying to recover then it is still R ball no matter what right?? assuming it stays behind the neutral zone....
Never say no matter what.. The touching of a blocked scrimage kick by R behind the NZ is not a factor on whose ball it will be at the end of the down. Whichever team recovers will be in possesion of the ball. Now just who snaps next will depend on what else happened during the play. That's what I started this off with never say no matter what.
Team R could have been flagged for some foul that occured during this loose ball play. That would give K another chance at fourth down or maybe even give them a first down.
If there were no fouls or a foul on K, then R would decline any team K foul and take over on downs.

another one:
if R blocks kick and it goes beyond the neutral zone it is like it was never blocked right? meaning R could muff this and lose ball?
Right, one the ball crosses the NZ, we can forget about the fact that there was a touch behind the NZ. All aspects of a scrimmage kick are in effect, including KCI against K.

Anyone see anything I might have missed?
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