Originally Posted by ILMalti
Do not mean to be argumentitive, but in the defense of the "observer" we cannot assume that all where in FC. The observer could have noticed something that RSL forgot to mention in their OP.
For discussion sake assume that B1 was in the upper left corner BC and knocked the ball at a 45 degree angle to the lower right corner BC, they (A1 and B1 ) would not be able to grab the ball and RSL description would still be valid.
Saying "yes sir" is good in the middle of a game; "yes sir, could we discuss later" would have been better.
Given that the observer's rationale included nothing about where B1 or A2 were standing, we can make that assumption. His reasoning had to do with team control ending on a defensive tip, and there's no defense for that.
And don't worry about being argumentative, that's how this site works.