Had a manager try to protest a run-rule on me once, during a slow-pitch tournament. I called the game on the 15-run rule (this was before USSSA went to flip-flop) after his team gave up the runs that caused it (home team won it). Conversation went like this:
Manager: You have to give us an opportunity to make up the difference so we can play more.
Me: No, home team just made it a 15-run differential, therefore game is over.
Manager: You're a load of s**t, you're wrong! (at this point, I'm walking off the field as he's yapping in my ear)
Me: I'm heading over to the TD to report the score. You're more than welcome to talk to him about your concern.
Manager: CONCERN???? It's a f**king PROTEST!
By this point, we arrived at the picnic table that was serving as the TD's base during the tournament, and I reported the score. The manager starts yelling at the TD and the UIC that I was wrong for stopping the game when I did. Somewhere in that rant was the accusation that another umpire didn't stop the game when they had a 15-run lead and they ended up losing the game. After the manager rants for about 2 or 3 minutes, the TD and UIC looked at me and asked what I had. I said, home team took a 15-run lead in the bottom of the 3rd, game over. The TD and UIC asked the manager for his scorebook.
After about 5 minutes of reviewing, they had determined: 1) I was right in my game; and 2) the other umpire was right in his game. The situation was reversed in that game because the whining manager's team was actually the visiting team and the home team had yet to bat in the bottom of the 3rd. The TD sternly told the manager another load of crap like this would cause the manager to be watching the tournament from some other location than the complex itself. Kid didn't have another peep the rest of the tournament.